25% Tuition Discount
25% Tuition Discount
If you are an educator, Lay Ecclesial Minister or an alum of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM), you are eligible for a 25% tuition discount beginning this fall.
- Educators must be employed by an Archdiocese of Cincinnati or Diocese of Covington recognized school.
- Lay Ecclesial Ministers include Directors or Coordinators of Religious Education, Pastoral Associates or Staff, RCIA Directors, Catechists, etc.
- Permanent Deacons* and Priests must be in good standing with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
- Alumni must have completed a recognized program and obtained a degree or certificate from MTSM.
*The Office of the Diaconate of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is offering an additional 25% for an overall total of 50% off tuition for Permanent Deacons.
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