The Athenaeum of Ohio / Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, IL 60602–2504, 800–621–7440.
It is also accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, USA, 412–788–6505, Fax 412–788–6510,
MTSM undergoes a comprehensive evaluation and assessment every 10 years in order to assure and improve the quality of our educational services and programs. The accreditation process includes a system of self-examination and peer review by educational institutions which is required for student access to federal grants and loans.
Accrediting agencies, like HLC and ATS, are responsible for assuring that colleges and universities meet certain standards in terms of their missions, operations and activities in teaching and student learning, discovery and promotion of knowledge and service. The most recent site visits by HLC and ATS were conducted in fall 2022.
Educational Effectiveness
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) forms men and women to faithfully follow Christ and serve His mission by fulfilling their vocations in the Church.
The institution achieves this mission through five graduate degree programs, as well as several certificates. MTSM defines clear goals and academic outcomes for each of the following degree programs:
Master of Arts (Biblical Studies)
Master of Arts (Catholic Studies)
Master of Arts (Pastoral Ministry)
Master of Arts (Theology)
Master of Divinity
Additionally, the institution offers the following non-accredited degree programs:
Certificate in Catholic Theology
Certificate in Pastoral Ministry
Graduate Certificate in Catholic Theology
Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Ministry
MTSM is also authorized by the State of Ohio Board of Regents to grant these degrees.
MTSM is a Department of Homeland Security SEVIS-approved school and authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.
Assessment Outcomes
Achievement of each of these outcomes is regularly assessed using multiple strategies that include both direct and indirect measures of student learning. Additional information about the institution’s educational effectiveness is provided below.
Assessment Outcomes for 2023-24
Placement of Graduates
The work of MTSM graduates includes the full range of ministry to the Body of Christ, including priests, permanent deacons, lay ecclesial ministers, diocesan officials, teachers, directors of religious education, chaplains, volunteers and more.