The Very Rev. Anthony R. Brausch, Ph.D. 

President and Rector 

Associate Professor of Philosophy 


Ph.L., Ph.D., Pontifical Gregorian University 

M.Div., Athenaeum of Ohio 

B.A., Pontifical College Josephinum 

Research Interests 

Contemporary philosophy; pastoral theology 


The Very Rev. Anthony R. Brausch was installed as President of The Athenaeum of Ohio/Rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in 2018. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2002 by Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. 

Fr. Brausch earned both a licentiate and doctoral degree in philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. In 2019, he was honored as the recipient of the Gregorian’s distinguished Bellarmine Award for his doctoral work “Aristotle and Definitional Limits: Functional Characteristics and Limitations Pertaining to Definitions of Natural Substances.” 

In addition to his responsibilities as President/Rector, Fr. Brausch serves as an Associate Professor of Philosophy, teaching various courses including Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Pastoral Leadership and Theology/Spirituality of Holy Orders. He also serves as a consultor to the Holy See’s Dicastery for the Clergy. 

Selected Publication

The Episcopus: Witness to the Logos and the Ordering of Reality.” In Antistite nostro: The Episcopal Ministry in the Life of the Local Church, edited by Ryan T. Ruiz and David J. Endres, 1-26. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2024.

