Student Records

Records policy

The Athenaeum has responsibility for supervising access to and/or release of official information about its students. Certain items of information about individual students are fundamental to the educational process and must be recorded. This recorded information concerning students must be used for clearly defined purposes, must be safeguarded and controlled to avoid violations of personal privacy, and must be appropriately disposed of when justification for its collection and retention no longer exists. In this regard, the Athenaeum is committed to protecting to the maximum extent possible the right of privacy of all the individuals about whom it holds information, records, and files.


Official copies of academic records may be released only upon the written request of the student. Transcripts from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, School of Theology, Lay Pastoral Ministry Program, Special Studies, Permanent Deacon Formation Program, St. Gregory’s Seminary and Teacher’s College are issued by the Office of the Registrar.

All students, both current and former, can order official transcripts online. Please note the following information for details and restrictions:

• Transcript requests must be submitted online using the transcript request form.

• Transcripts may NOT be ordered over the phone, by email, or by a third party.

• All financial obligations must be met before any official transcripts are released.

• Each copy of the official transcript requires a $5 transcript request fee, which must be paid by credit or debit card at the time the order is placed.

• Official transcripts can be mailed or delivered electronically via secure and encrypted email. Transcripts will not be faxed.

• Ordinarily it takes two or three business days to process a transcript request, but may take longer when handling historical records (prior to digital record-keeping).

• Unofficial transcripts may be issued directly to the student and can be accessed via Populi. There is no charge for unofficial transcripts.

• Those requesting an unofficial transcript, but who do not have access to Populi, may contact the Registrar.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 as amended details the access of student records held and maintained by educational institutions. Although FERPA only applies to schools which receive funds under an applicable program of the US Department of Education, Mount St. Mary’s nevertheless remains in compliance with FERPA regulations as industry best practices.

Access to student records

Access to and release of student records is restricted to the student concerned, to others with the student’s written consent, to officials within the school, to a court of competent jurisdiction, and otherwise pursuant to the law.

Students have the right to review the content of their records. Students wishing to inspect and review their records must submit a written request to the appropriate school official and identify the records they wish to review. Arrangements for the student to review the file(s) will be communicated by the school official.

The following school officials may be contacted regarding the records specified:

• Registrar: educational records
• Director of Advancement: alumni records
• Senior Accountant: financial records

Students may question or challenge the accuracy or appropriateness of a record. Concerns may be brought to the school official, who will amend the record if appropriate based on the evidence provided. If the student wishes to appeal the remedy or decision offered by the school official, he/she must submit a formal complaint to the President of the Athenaeum, who will confer a hearing with the student. The decision reached by the President will be based on the evidence provided and will be considered final. A summary document of the hearing, the evidence provided, and the decision will be maintained with the student’s records.

Directory information

Mount St. Mary’s may publicly release “directory information” about a student, as defined by FERPA. This information includes the following:

• Student’s name
• Area of study
• Dates of attendance
• Enrollment status
• Degrees conferred and conferral dates
• Honors and awards
• Any photographs taken of the student

Students may block the public disclosure of the directory information above by submitting a written request to the registrar. This request will be in effect until the student asks to have it removed.

Record retention

Student records are maintained according to a retention schedule, depending on the office and file type. All academic transcripts are permanently retained. The retention schedule is listed below.

• Registrar’s Office – transcripts of all academic records are maintained permanently. Student general files are maintained for five years after graduation or withdrawal.
• Alumni Relations – a database of alumni information is maintained and updated as information is provided by alumni.
• Business Office – the senior accountant maintains records of financial transactions for all students by semester and fiscal year. These records are kept indefinitely.