Formation Candidates Installed in Ministry of Acolyte
11.11.21The Most Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., Archbishop of Louisville, installed 12 Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) seminarians in the Ministry of Acolyte on November 10 in the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great.
Three formal steps are required by the Church prior to being ordained into the diaconate and priesthood. The first step is the Rite of Candidacy at which a man formally states his intention to be formed for ordination. The second is the Ministry of Lector which is a formal recognition of the relationship he is called to have with Sacred Scripture and his willingness to apply himself to its study and proclamation for the good of the Church.
The Ministry of Acolyte is the final ministry received prior to ordination as a transitional deacon. It is a formal recognition of the willingness to serve the community, primarily in its liturgical rites and usually occurs during the second year of priestly formation.
“This last step calls our seminarians to focus on a specific area of their formation,” said the Very Rev. Anthony R. Brausch, Ph.D., President & Rector at MTSM. “The Ministry of Acolyte helps confirm their continued work on the path to priesthood.”
Those who were instituted into the Ministry of Acolyte are:
Matthew Lee Bischoff, St. Mary’s, Greenville. OH
Christopher Todd Buschur, St. Mary, Urbana, OH
Adam Michael Lewis, St. Columbkille, Wilmington, OH
Van Dung Tran, St. John Vianney, Louisville, KY
Matthew Wayne Dimock Jr., St. Thomas Aquinas, Charlotte, NC
Kevin Ruben Martinez, St. Joseph, Asheboro, NC
Jose Alfredo Palma Torres, St. Joseph Asheboro, NC
Elliott Cade Suttle, St. Pius X, Greensboro, NC
Kevin Michael Tran, St. John Neumann, Charlotte, NC
Travis John Kahle, St. Mary’s, Bluffton, OH
Eric Thomas Kaufman, St. John the Baptist, Glandorf, OH
Kory James Wise, St. Joseph, Tiffin, OH
MTSM is the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s graduate-level Catholic Seminary and School of Theology. Founded in 1829, we provide preparation for ordination to the priesthood and permanent diaconate as part of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. In addition, our School of Theology offers classes for graduate and certification programs for laity, clergy and religious.
For additional information about MTSM, please contact or 513-231-2223.