MTSM Announces 25% Tuition Discount
04.20.23Beginning this fall, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) will offer 25% off tuition. This tuition reduction applies to alumni, including permanent deacons, and educators in recognized Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Diocese of Covington schools. Additionally, it applies to lay ecclesial ministers in parishes within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati such as directors and coordinators of religious education, catechists and pastoral staff. Permanent deacons, through a collaboration with the Office of the Diaconate of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, are eligible for a total of 50% off tuition.
The goal of reducing tuition is to meet the needs of those who desire further theological education and formation without causing undue financial burden. It also encourages continuing education that not only meets requirements for individuals in these roles, but also enlivens and informs their ministry to better meet the needs of those to whom they are sent.
Register for a class today and discover the benefits of becoming an MTSM student including: outstanding faculty; personal and spiritual growth; revitalization of ministry and continuing education units.
For eligibility requirements, visit our Tuition and Fees page or contact Allegra Thatcher at or 513.233.6116.
Founded in 1829 and the third-oldest Catholic seminary in the U.S., Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology is a graduate school that forms priests, permanent deacons and laity to faithfully follow Christ and serve His mission by fulfilling their vocations in the Church. The Seminary prepares men for ordination to the priesthood and permanent diaconate, while the School of Theology offers classes for graduate and certificate programs for laity, clergy and religious.