MTSM Seminarians Receive Candidacy
12.09.21The Most Rev. Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) with mass and the reception of Candidacy for 12 seminarians.
Those who received candidacy include:
Nicholas Charles Emmerling, St. Ann, Cincinnati
Curtis James Gross, St. Margaret of York, Cincinnati
Kraig Edward Gruss, Holy Trinity, Coldwater, OH
David Bradley Homoelle, St. Robert Bellarmine, Cincinnati
Daniel Jacob Jasek, Our Lady of Good Hope, Miamisburg, OH
Benjamin John Klare, St. Ignatius Loyola, Cincinnati
Nam Thanh Mac, Our Lady of Lavang, Cincinnati
Nha Thanh Ngo, Our Lady of Lavang, Cincinnati
Benjamin Michael Packer, St. Francis de Sales, Lebanon, OH
Alexander Maurice Parra, St. Gertrude, Cincinnati
Jacob Gregory Schmiesing, Holy Angels, Sidney, OH
Andrew Jeffery Templeton, St. Michael Catholic Church, Gastonia, NC
“The rite of admission to candidacy for ordination is the seminarian’s opportunity to declare publicly his intention to be formed for ordination,” said the Very Rev. Anthony R. Brausch, Ph.D., President & Rector at MTSM. “During the rite they are asked if they are resolved ‘to prepare themselves in mind and spirit to give faithful service to Christ the Lord and his body, the Church’. This does not mean that their discernment or the Church’s discernment is finished or settled. But it does mean they are committed to being formed and prepared for sacred ministry.”
The second step is the Ministry of Lector which is a formal recognition of the relationship he is called to have with Sacred Scripture and his willingness to apply himself to its study and proclamation for the good of the Church. The Ministry of Acolyte is the final ministry received prior to ordination as a transitional deacon. It is a formal recognition of the willingness to serve the community, primarily in its liturgical rites.
MTSM is the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s graduate-level Catholic Seminary and School of Theology. Founded in 1829, MTSM prepares men for ordination to the priesthood and permanent diaconate. The School of Theology offers classes and formation for graduate degrees and certificate programs for laity, clergy and religious.
For additional information about MTSM, please contact or 513-231-2223.