Seven Seminarians from MTSM Selected for the Rome Experience 2021
05.14.21Seven seminarians from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) are among the 20 men selected to participate in this summer’s Rome Experience. The Rome Experience originated in 2007 when several bishops joined efforts to design a tangible program for U.S. seminarians to experience the riches of the universal Church and discover the intimate companionship of Christ in the life of the priest (Optatam Totius, no. 8). As a result, the Bishops Advisory Board with Midwest Theological Forum launched the inaugural six-week summer program in 2009, and they have continued to organize and sponsor the annual event ever since.
The Rome Experience complements existing programs of formation for seminarians. To be considered for the retreat, seminarians must have completed their first year of theology and be recommended by a bishop or vocational director.
The seven MTSM seminarians participating in this year’s Rome Experience include:
Christopher Buschur, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, St. Mary, Urbana
John Grusenmeyer, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Sacred Heart, New Carlisle
Antonio Losekamp, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, St. Margaret-St. John, Cincinnati
Benjamin Mersch, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Our Lady of Good Hope, Miamisburg
Matthew Montag, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Milford
Anthony Sanitato, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, St. Rose of Lima, Cincinnati
Christopher Turner, Diocese of Toledo, St. John XXIII, Perrysburg
This year’s Rome Experience is May 24 through July 5. It begins with a retreat in Bracciano, to reflect on the meaning of the priesthood. Following the retreat, the seminarians travel to Rome for academic courses in Theology, History of the Church and Christian Art and Architecture.
“It is a gift to have been granted the opportunity to attend the Rome Experience. I am very grateful for what this trip will do for me with my relationship with God and discernment,” said Tony Sanitato, MTSM seminarian who just completed his second year of theology.
“I believe this experience will help me better understand the Church and better understand the priesthood. I see it as part pilgrimage and part retreat. Yes, there are mandatory activities and classwork, but more than anything, it is an opportunity to receive spiritual renewal,” shared MTSM seminarian Christopher Turner who also recently completed his second year of theology.
“Our seminarians have had the opportunity to participate in this program for a number of years now and it has been very beneficial in their overall discernment and formation,” said The Very Rev. Anthony R. Brausch, Ph.D., President and Rector at MTSM. “It’s not about the art and the history, although there is certainly that, but about praying at the tombs of the martyrs and saints, especially Saints Peter and Paul. In Rome, one is continually confronted by Christ’s question to Peter when Peter was fleeing the persecution in the city, ‘Where are we going?’ A good question for every Christian and especially a seminarian.”
MTSM is the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s graduate-level Catholic Seminary and School of Theology with nearly 200 full and part-time students. Founded in 1829, our 75-acre campus provides preparation for ordination to the priesthood and permanent diaconate as part of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. In addition, our School of Theology offers classes for graduate, non-degree and certification programs for laity, clergy and religious.
For additional information about MTSM, please contact or 513-231-2223.